The Crossfires

aka Paragons

John Haurykiewicz '63 - bass
Jerry Noel '63 - drummer
William Kestell '63 - rhythm guitar
John Augustine '63 - lead guitar
Ted Swartz '64 - guitar

Played senior year and continued into college.

Noel - Haurykiewicz - Kestell - Augustine - Swartz

Kestell - Augustine - Noel - Swartz - Haurykiewicz

Here is another pic, this one from 1964, when we were playing at St. Norber's College, where Jerry and Augie were studying. I think this pic was taken in the student union at St. Norbert's in West DePere, Wisconsin.

This picture was unusual in that Ted was a year behind us, and thus we usually played without him. This picture also shows that we did vocals after leaving Campion...that was around the time the Beatles were gaining popularity.

Short anecdote:
In Senior year (1963), our classmate Pete Fosco took an audio tape of ours to Chicago for a tape audition with RCA Victor during Christmas break. We waited eagerly to hear directly from RCA, and were surprised by the public RCA announcement that they had signed a new band...
The Beach Boys!

From this, I concluded that we lost out to that (other) surfer group. Bad timing...or as Bill Kestell says: "We were lucky."
John Haurykiewicz

Kestell - Augustine - Swartz - Noel - Haurykiewicz