Where Have All the Jesuits Gone...

Past teachers and staff are like Alumni also. So here we try to find some
of them. So far we will list their name with a link to their web page if
they have one, the years in which they served at Campion Jesuit High School
and where they are currently located.
Deceased is listed at bottom of page.

Found 179 Records
Campion Faculty Roster
NameCampion MinistryLast Known Whereabouts
Capt. Lewis
Alexander, USA
ROTC instructor, Captain and Professor of Military Science and Tactics.
Sgt. J. R.
Arguello, USA
ROTC instructor, 1966-68
Rev Richard L.
Bailey, S.J.
Teacher 1952-55, Scholastic, taught Latin, Athletics, book store assistantAssistant to President, guestmaster, community consultor since 1990
DeSmet Jesuit High School St. Louis MO
Sgt. James G.
Bailey, USA
Sargeant First Class, ROTC instructor, 1960-62
Mr. James W.
Baker, S.J.
1963-64, taught English, Speech, and was a sodality moderator Left the Jesuit order.
Mr. Joseph H.
1961-62, Typing teacher
Mr. Robert B.
Bargen, S.J.
Scholastic, 1951-52, taught math, history, and worked with hobby group. THe jebbies directory has him as Robert L., but his obit has him as Robert B. and working 1950-52.
Mr. Edward D.
1969-73 and 1973-75 taught modern languages and was assistant to the president.
Mr. Richard
1961-62, 1964 instructor with Baldridge Reading program
Mr. Louis A.
Blumberg, S.J.
Scholastic, 1968-70, taught English
Rev. Walter E.
Boehme, S.J.
Scholastic, Teacher of Latin 1964-1967 Priest, 1972-73, teacher of LatinPastoral ministry
Marquette University Milwaukee WI
Mr. John G.
Assistant Principal, 1969-70 and Principal, 1972-75
Rev.. . Robert E.
Bosken, S.J.
Scholastic, Teacher of Latin, English 1950-1953 and sodality moderatorStudent Conselor
DeSmet Jesuit High School St. Louis MO
Sgt. C.C.
Brehm, USA
ROTC instructor 1954
Mrs. Wilma
1966-75: Registrar, Secretary
Rev. Joseph E.
Brown S.J.
Scholastic: 1951-53, taught Latin, Algebra and worked with the Athletic programProfessor of Psychology, Psychotherapist
St. Louis University Jesuit Community (Jesuit Hall) St. Louis MO
Rev. John J.
Callahan, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of Spanish, Teacher of English, Teacher of Speech 1964-1967 Later ordained and served the Jesuits in other assignments as a priest.Rector since 1998, Director of Mission and Values
Rockhurst Jesuit Community Kansas City MO
Ghost of Joe

Rev. Philip J.
Carey, S.J.
1957-58, 1970-73: teacher of Spanish, sodality moderator
Rev. Patrick J.
Connolly, S.J.
1968-69: PrincipalAssoc Prof Communication Arts
Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles CA
Mr. William J.
1952-54, teacher of history, coach of track and football
Sgt. Kenneth
Coonce, USA
1965-68 ROTC instructor
Mr. Ralph J.
Scholastic, 1954-56: teacher of History, coaching track, football, baseball
Mr. M.
Countryman, S.J.
Scholastic: teacher of English 1962-63 Left the Jesuit order
Mr. Clifford
1972-74:Director of admissions
Culver, S.J.
Scholastic 1967-1969 Latin
Rev. Joseph P.
Curran, S.J.
1956-57 Teacher of Greek, Latin, and English
Dr. W. S.
1956- Doctor to the House
Mr. William
1968-75: Art, Librarian
Baraboo WI
Mr. Steven L.
Daniel, S,J.
1964-66: Scholastic: teacher of History, English, and intramural athletics
Mr. Cyril
Des Rocher
1970-74: Drivers Ed, Swimming Coach aka: Mr. Zeke DesRocher
Mr. E.A.
Desloge, S.J.
1954-55 Teacher of Chemistry
Mr. Bertram
Dessel, S.J.
Scholastic, 1972-74: Latin, History, Orator aka: Mr. Hal Dessel, S.J.
Capt. Louis J.
DeVito, USA
1952-54, 1964-71: Professor of Military Science and Tactics, ROTC Instructor
Rev. Everett A.
Diederich, S.J.
Teacher of Latin 1946-1950Collaborator at Center for Liturgy
St. Louis University Jesuit Community (Jesuit Hall) St. Louis MO
Rev. Albert J.
DiUlio, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of Theology 1969-1970 Academic Assistant Principal 1970-1971 Teacher of English 1970-1971, 1973-1974 Teacher of Economics 1973-1974 Director of Admissions 1974-1975 Ordained a Jesuit priest while at CampionCFO/Treasurer
Midwest Jesuits Province Chicago IL
Mr. Peter
Donnegan, N.S.J.
1972-73: Scholastic-Novice: Intern
Mr. Thomas P.
Donnegan, S.J.
1970-71:Teacher of English and Drama; Athletics
Rev. John Patrick
Donnelly, S.J.
Scholastic Teacher of History 1956, 1961-1962 Ordained after leaving Campion, and has served the Jesuits for many years
St. Camillus Community Milwaukee WI
Rev. Harlan
Capt. Joseph
Elliot, USA
1933-45: ROTC instructor- 1961-68: Bursar, Maintenance foreman
Rev. James
Ewens, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of English, History Teacher of Humanities 1964-1967Absent with permission Sept 2001, left the Jesuits
Mr. Phillip
Fenton, S.J.
Scholastic, 1962: teacher of Speech & Englishleft the Jesuits
Rev. T. A.
Finnegan, S.J.
1954-55 teacher of Religion, Spiritual Father
Mr. Steve
1973-74: intern from LaCrosse Univ. Education dept. --Physical Education
Mr. Thomas
Foley, S.J.
Scholastic: 1970-71: teacher of English
Mr. R. F.
1961-62: taught English to juniors
retired Indianapolis IN
Mr. Daniel
1967-73 Coach, History, counselor, social studiesPsychotherapist
Mental Health Center Clinton IA
Ms. Carol
Fullerton Machael
1969-71 Modern LanguagesAdministrator - now retired
Womens Health Center Clinton IA
Mr. Gilbert R.
Gadzikowski, S.J.
Scholastic: 1957: Latin, Greek, Sodality
Dr. Michael S.
Garrity, M.D.
1961-75 - Doctor of the House
Mr. Jack E.
Garvey, S.J.
1970-72: Scholastic: History, Athletics, Swim Coach Mr. Garvey graduated from Campion in 1963 He left the Jesuits in the late 1970s
retired Appleton WI
Mr. James V.
Gau, S.J.
Scholastic: 1967-69: English, Latin
Rev. Lawrence D.
Gillick, S.J.
Teacher of Speech 1966-1969 First served as a Brother, became a priest. Retreat Director, spiritual Director
Creighton University Omaha NE
Mrs. Mary
Glennan, R. N.
1949-59: Nurse, supervisor of the infirmary. aka Mrs. John P. Glennan
Miss Dorothy
Glynn, R.N.
1963-65 Nurse in residence
Mr. Donald
1968-75: teacher of History, Coach, Basketball Summer Camps
Mr. Joseph S.
Graf, S.J.
1956-57: Scholastic, teacher of Geometry, Speech, hobby shop
Mr. John G.
Grier, S.J.
1949-50 Scholastic, teacher of Latin, English
Mr. Raymond W.
1961-66: teacher of Spanish, modern languages, Track Coach
Bro. Ellis W.
Haworth, S.J.
1947-52 Sacristan, worker in metal
Rev. Harry E.
Hoewischer, S.J.
Teacher of English, Teacher of Elocution 1953-1954Pastoral Minister
Xavier Jesuit Center- Regis Denver CO
Sgt. - -
Hoganson, USA
1962-63: ROTC Instructor
Horine, USA
ROTC Instructor, 1964-65
Rev. Thomas D.
Hughson, S.J.
Teacher of English 1967-1968 ordained after leaving CampionProfessor of Theology at Marquette Univ, House Consultor since 1996
Arrupe House Jesuit Community Milwaukee WI
Mr. R. S.
1961-62 Dhemistry Teacher
Rev. Robert J.
Joda, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of Latin, English, Speech 1952-1955 Later ordained and has served the Jesuits for many yearsProfessor Emeritus of German
retired Wauwatosa WI
Mr. Hugh
1960-61: Teacher of Spanish and Marquette Hall Prefect.
Mr. Francis.
Judge, S.J.
Scholastic: 1961-63 teacher of math Priest: 1968-72, teacher of math, Director of admissionsleft the Jesuits
Rev. Edward F.
Justen, S.J.
1959-60 teacher of Spanishcurrently working in parish/school project
Mr. Thomas
Kalamaja, S.J.
1963-64 Scholastic: teacher of Latin
Mr. Roger H.
Kalscheuer, S.J.
Scholastic: 1974-75, teacher of English and Latin
Capt. C.R.
Keagan, USA
1950-52: Professor of Military Science and Tactics, ROTC instructor
Rev. Robert
Killoren, S.J.
1943-46: teacher
Bro. James F.
Kirsling, S.J.
1968-71: Assistant Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, Prefect of the Hobby Shop
M/Sgt. C.D.
1952-53 ROTC Instructor
Mr. C. A.
1969-70: teacher of math
Mrs. Alice
1973-74 Drama
Rev. Thomas G.
Krettek, S.J.
1973 Scholastic Novice, Education intern later ordained and served the Jesuits for many years. Provincial
Wisconsin Province Milwaukee WI
Rev. Walter M.
Lander, S.J.
1953-54 Rev. Walter M.
Rev. Joseph E.
Lauenberger, S.J.
1954-55 teacher of Spanish
Rev. William P.
Leahy, S.J.
Teacher of History, Teacher of Religion 1973-1975President of Boston College
Boston College Jesuit Community (St. Mary's Hall) Chestnut Hill MA
Mr. Larry
1973-LaCrosse Univ.Education intern, Physical Ed.
Rev. Douglas J.
Leonhardt, S.J.
Teacher of English 1963-1966Assoc. Director Mission & Identity
Arrupe House Jesuit Community Milwaukee WI
Mr. R. D.
Lord, S.J.
Scholastic, 1951-52: teacher of English, Speech, and Kostka Hall prefect
Mr. Richard H.
1962-74:teacher of math, history, English, and social studies
Mr. Robert E.
1947-72 Photographer of students for yearbook
Rev. Edward L.
Maginnis, S.J.
Scholastic: 1949-50 Teacher of Latin, Greek, and Choir OrganistProfessor of Religious Studies, Alumni Chaplain
Regis University Jesuit Community Denver CO
Mr. Michael L.
Mankowski, S.J.
Scholastic, 1967-69: English teacher
Mr. Mathias G.
Martens, S.J.
Scholastic: 1959 teacher of English
Mr. John P.
1974-75 Social Studies
Mr. L. C.
Martin, S.J.
1954-55; teacher of Greek, moderator of Hobby shop
Rev. D. Edward
Mathie, S.J.
Scholastic: 1962-65 Teacher of English, Humanities,Sodality, moderator of the CampionetteLecturer In Theology
Marquette University Milwaukee WI
Rev. David G.
Matzko, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of English 1972-1973 Was ordained for the Jesuits in the late 70s.Superior since Oct 1998, Director of Mission
St. Stephen's Mission St. Stephens WY
Rev. Louis J.
McCabe, S.J.
Teacher of English, Teacher of Choir 1955-1956Superior since Nov 1998, Director, Vocation Promoter
Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House Sedalia CO
Rev. John L.
McCarthy, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of English 1955-1956 Was later ordained for the JesuitsAssociate Editor at Institute of Jesuit Sources, Editor of US Ordo
Saint Louis University Jesuit Community (Jesuit Hall) St. Louis MO
Rev. Daniel C.
McDonald, S.J.
Schholastic: Teacher of English, Teacher of Humanities 1973-1975 Later ordained for the Jesuits.VP of Administration and Dean of Social Sciences
Pontifical Gregorian University Rome Italy
Mr. Edward L.
McGinnis, S.J.
Scholastic: 1949-50: teacher of Latin, choir, organist, music
Mr. Robert E.
McMillen, S.J.
1950-52: Scholastic: teacher of Latin, English
Rev. Michael R.
McNally, S.J.
1962-63: teacher of Religion
Mr. Paul J.
Megan, S.J.
Scholastic, 1962-64: teacher of Latin, art, and choir director, pep band director.left the Jesuits
Sgt. H.
Meier, USA
1964-65: ROTC Instructor
Mr. Robert
1962-64 Baldridge Reading program teacher
Miss M.
French Teacher 1969-71
M/Sgt. J. F.
Miller, USA
1959-60 ROTC instructor
M/Sgt. Joseph M.
Miller, USA
1953-55 ROTC instructor
Mr. Francis J.
Minnini, S.J.
Scholastic: 1957: Latin, choir, Music appreciation, hobby shop and tennis coach
Mr. Francis J.
Moynihan, S.J.
Scholastic, 1957-59 teacher of Algebra, Athletic League moderator, and Apostleship of Prayer
Rev. Robert C.
Mugan, S.J.
Scholastic, 1967-69: Classics, History Priest, 1974-75: Classics, History, Dean of Xavier Hall
Mr. James
Mulligan, S.J.
Scholastic, 1950-52: teacher of Math, Chemistry, Drama
Mr. Richard A.
Mullin, S.J.
1972-73: teacher of English, Athletics moderator
Mrs. Ruth
Mundt, R.N.
1972-75: Lucey Hall Infirmary (day nurse, not in residence)
Rev. Francis X.
Nebrick, S.J.
1935-54 Counselor, teacher of Greek, Latin
Mr. Patrick
Neuberger, S.J.
Scholastic 1962: teacher of Latin and English
Mr. Melvin J
1948-53 Teacher of English, Coach-track football and basketball
Mr. John J.
O'Connell, S.J.
Scholastic: 1956-58 teacher of History, Sociology, and sodality moderator
Rev. Daniel C.
O'Connell, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of Latin, and speech, Elocution 1953-1955 Was later ordained for the Jesuits.Visiting Professor of Psychology
St Louis University
Rev. Robert F.
O'Connor, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of French and Religion 1974-1975 was later ordained for the Jesuits.Associate pastor
Gesu Parish (on the campus of Marquette Univ.) Milwaukee WI
Rev. James J.
O'Leary, S.J.
Teacher of Latin 1959-1962, Sodality, ElocutionAssoc. Director Mission & Identity-Faber Center
Marquette University 1404 Jesuit Residence Milwaukee WI
Rev. James R.
O'Neil, S.J.
1949-52 Spiritual Father
Mr. Joseph P.
O'Neill, S.J.
Scholastic 1962-64: teacher of English, American Literature, Drama. Moderator of "Masquers" Drama group. was not ordained. left the Jesuits and returned as a lay man: 1969-72: Admissions Department
Mr. Michael
Olson, S.J.
Scholastic: 1966: teacher of Latin
Sister Maria
Opprecht, O. P.
1971-75 Counselor
Rev. Joseph N.
Pershe, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of Latin and Math 1960-1961 was later ordained for the Jesuits.prayer for the Church and the society
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Rev. Cletus H.
Pfab, S.J.
Teacher of Religion 1972-1974Minister to the Mentally Ill and Homeless
Marquette University Milwaukee WI
Rev. Theodore
Pietz, S.J.
1928-31/1938-55: teacher of Latin and Religion
Mr. Richard E.
Potter, S.J.
teacher of English, 1960-61 Left the Jesuits in the early 1960s
Mr. Carl
Quesnell, S,J,
Scholastic, 1956-58: teacher of Latin, Speech, and sodality moderator.
Rev. James M.
Radde, S.J.
Teacher of Spanish 1966-1968Conflict Management Consultant, Mediator, Health Care Chaplain Educator
Georgtown Court Minneapolis MN
Mr. Steve
1973-75 Drivers Ed, Physical Ed, coaching
Fr. Donald F.
Rauscher, S.J.
scholastic, 1962-65: teacher of MathChaplain
St. Joseph Hospital Mankato MN
Rev. Richard M.
Rice, S.J.
Teacher of English, Teacher of Speech 1966-1969Spiritual Director and Retreat Director at Loyola, Spiritual Dir. of Ignatian Lay Volunteer Corp
Immaculate Heart of Mary Jesuit Community St. Paul MN
Mrs. Mary
1954-55 nurse in residence
Mr. Thomas
1969-75: teacher of Math, Swim coach, cross country coach
Mr. Robert E.
Roemer, S.J.
scholastic, 1965-67: teacher of Math
Mr. Richard J.
Rupsich, S.J.
1975 Scholastic, teacher of Religion, History
Mr. Dionicius D.
Savage, S.J.
Scholastic 1956-58 Teacher of Latin, Sodality moderator
Mr. Clarence J.
Schatzman, S.J.
Scholastic: 1962-65: teacher of World History, moderator of VOC radio station left the Jesuits
Mr. John J.
Schauz, S.J.
Scholastic: 1956-58: teacher of History, moderator of Sodality
Scheffler, USA
1953-54 ROTC instructor
Mr. Stephen A.
Scherr, S.J.
Scholastic: 1965-67 teacher of Greek, Latin, Sociologyleft the jesuits. Attorney
Omaha NE
Rev. Thomas N.
Schloemer, S.J.
Teacher of Latin 1962-1965 After leaving Campion, he was ordained for the Jesuits. Joined the St. Camillus retirement community in early 2010to pray for the church and society
St. Camillus Jesuit Retirement Community Wauwatosa WI
Mr. Jerome
1967-69 Physical Education
Mr. Dennis
1974-75 LaCrosse Univ. ED. Intern, Physical Education
M/Sgt. J. N.
Scholtis, USA
1951-53 ROTC instructor
English Upper Division 43-45Founded Sacred Heart Program in St. Louis
SFC Donald W.
Shea, USA
1959-60: ROTC Instructor
Sgt. John W.
Shenck, USA
1957: ROTC Instructor
Mr. Ronald
1964-75 teacher of Math, Intramural Football Coach
Prairie du Chien WI
M/Sgt. J. H.
Sholtis, USA
1952-53: ROTC instructor; Armory
Rev. Robert A.
Simms, S.J.
Teacher of Math 1941-1944Pastoral Minister
Fusz paviliion --Jesuit retirement center St. Louis MO
Mr. Mark
1975 teacher
Rev. John F.
Snyder, S.J.
1946-1949: Scholastic: teacher of History, Sociology, moderator of yearbook, and choirPastoral Minister
Saint Louis University Jesuit Community (Jesuit Hall) St. Louis MO
Mrs. Louise
1966-69 Nurse in residence
Mr. Edward C.
Spethman, S.J.
1960-61 Scholastic: teacher of English and Speechleft the Jesuits
Rev. James J.
Strzok, S.J.
Teacher of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science and Photography, 1971-1975Pastoral Minister
Mwangaza Jesuit Spirituality Center Nairobi Kenya
Mr. Joseph
1974-75 teacher of Physics, Science, and mathPhysics
UW Madison
Mr. Gregory D.
Tabat, S.J.
1974-75 teacher of English and Mass Media
Mr. Daniel C.
Tainter, S.J.
Scholastic: 1950-52: teacher of English
Bro. Leonard T.
Tessier, S.J.
1956-58: Artist, post office assistant
Rev. Andrew J.
Thon, S.J.
Scholastic: 1968-70: teacher of Latin and Greek Priest: 1974-75: Dean of StudentsAssociate Professor of Education
Marquette University Milwaukee wi
Mr. Harold
1974-75 LaCrosse Univ. Education intern: Phys Ed.
M/Sgt. Kenneth F.
Trossen, USA
1954-55: ROTC instructor
Rev. Edward V.
Vacek, S.J.
Scholastic: 1967-69 Teacher of Math & French Was ordained for the Jesuits after leaving Campion Department Chair and Professor of Moral Theology
Hopkins House Cambridge MA
Rev. Curtis E.
Van Del, S.J.
Teacher of English, Teacher of History, Teacher of Math 1937-1940 (These teaching assignments show up under the name of Van Ackerman.)Chaplain
Nazareth Motherhouse Concordia KS
Rev. Karl J.
Voelker, S.J.
Teacher of English, Religion, and Speech 1973-1975Gesu Parish
Gesu Parish Milwaukee WI
Mr. Mark P.
Voss, S.J.
Scholastic: 1966-68 teacher of Physics, Mathleft the jesuits, Attorney
Sgt. R.L.
Wallock, USA
1963-64 ROTC instructor
Rev. John E.
Walsh, S.J.
Scholastic 1963-66: teacher of History Priest, 1971-72: teacher of History
Rev. James B
Warosh, S.J.
1969-75: Teacher of English, Teacher of French, Moderator of the Campionette.Associate Pastor
Gesu Parish Milwaukee WI
Sgt. L. F.
Wick, USA
1951-53 ROTC instructor; rifle team coach
Mr. John R.
1968-69 teacher of modern Languages
Mr. Joseph F.
Willy, S.J.
Scholastic: 1964-66 teacher of Math, coaching Athletics
Mr. Thomas G.
Winiarski, S.J.
Scholastic: 1973-75 teacher of math, music
Rev George E.
Winzenberg, S.J.
Scholastic: 1969-71: teacher of History, Phys ED.
Miss Jane
1970-71: Nurse in residence
Mr. Robert A.
Worman, S.J.
Scholastic: 1959-61 teacher of Chemistry later left the order
Mr. David A.
Zerkel, S.J.
Scholastic, 1956-57: teacher of Latin, English, music appreciation, pep band.
Mr. Thomas E.
Zinkle, S.J.
1969-70 Scholastic: teacher of Math

Those known to have passed away...

Found 203 Records
Campion Faculty Roster
NameCampion MinistryLast Location
Rev. John P.
Agnes, S.J. (deceased)
Jesuit Community Spiritual Counselor, 1953-55 retreat master 1954-55
Rev. Richard
Ahler, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, Teacher of English and Sodality moderator, 1957-1958 ordained for the JesuitsPastoral Minister
St Camillus Jesuit Residence Wauwatosa WI
Rev. Francis A.
Arcuri, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, taught Latin and Speech and Spanish, 1951-53. Head prefect Campion Hall. Later ordained and served the Jesuits for many years.
Rev. Francis J.
Aspenleiter, S.J.
1949-1970, was Dean of Freshmen and taught World History and Religion. Librarian 1961-69, author of textbooks for Religion and World History.Chaplain
St. Francis Jersey City
Bacchuber (deceased)
English Upper Division 45-49 Marquette Hall DeanKorea
Bro. James F.
Becwar, S.J. (deceased)
Asst. Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, 1970-1972prayer for the Church and the society
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Rev. Oscar L.
Benzinger, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, Teacher of Math (Plane Geometry and Advanced Algebra) 1960-1962Chaplain, Reteat Minister
Aberdeen SD
Rev. Bruce
Biever, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, 1960-61, taught English and Speech
Mrs. Emma
Bouzek (deceased)
Alumni Secretary
Rev. William
Bowdern, S.J. (deceased)
1937-1942 Rector President
Rev. Jerome T.
Boyle, S.J. (deceased)
1966-68, counselor and Religion teacher
Rev. John F.
Brady, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher 1943-1945Associate Pastor, Treasurer, Community Consultor since 2001
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Denver CO
Mrs. Kathryn
Brauch, R.N. (deceased)
1959-71, Infirmary Supervisor
Rev. David W.
Brehm, S.J. (deceased)
1958-62, taught English, Religion, Apostleship of Prayer, and led the Choir and Glee Club
Rev. Floyd
Brey, S.J. (deceased)
1959-78: taught Latin1959-60, Religion,1959-63, Liturgical/Spiritual & retreats, 1964-71
Henry A.
Brockman (deceased)
Rev. Robert E.
Brodzeller, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of French, Director of Language Lab 1965-1972 Father Minister for the Jesuit Community Also, taught German 1970Praying for the Church and the Society
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Rev. Jerome E
Brunig, S.J. (deceased)
1958-59 Taught English, Religion, moderator of Debate team, and served as the Jesuit House librarian Freshman retreat master in 1960
Rev. Francis J.
Burke, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, 1957: teacher of English, Art Priest, Teacher of English 1962-1970Writer, Spiritual Director, House Consultor since 1982
La Sorta Jesuit Community Minneapolis MN
Fr. Neil
Cahill, S.J. (deceased)
1950-53: taught History, Speech
Mr. Robert
Callan, S.J. (deceased)
1962-63, teacher of Geometry
Mr. Nicholas
Campbell (deceased)
1963-75, teacher of History, Spanish, Coached Football and Wrestling
Prairie du Chien WI
Bro. Marc
Campbell, S.J. (deceased)
Brother, 1967-69, taught typing, also served as a moderator and prefect.
Mr. Mike
Cannon, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Latin, 1968-1971 as a scholastic at Campion. After he was ordained, he served as Dean of Discipline at Creighton Prep in Omaha. Also served as assistant pastor at the Gesu Church in Milwaukee, on the Marquette U. campus. Later, he left the Jesuits. Died of some kind of a heart problem.
Rev. Francis J.
Carey, S.J. (deceased)
1946-47:taught Geometry and Algebra 1955-67 taught Geometry and Algebra, Served as the school's alumni coordinator and recruiter. Was a primary liaison between the school and many parents. Left the school in 1967 and then served in the Missouri province.
Rev. Orville J.
Catuso, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of History, Teacher of Theology 1959-1960Praying for the Church and the Society
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Rev. R. J.
Conroy, S.J. (deceased)
1952-53: Physics Lab, Geometry, moderator VOC
Rev. James B.
Corrigan, S.J. (deceased)
1955-59, Principal Rector & President,7/2/1955 to 10/10/1960 Built Lucey Hall, tore down old Lawler Hall, Praying for the Church and the Society, House Consultor since 1999
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Rev. Bernard J.
Coughlin, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, Teacher of Latin, Teacher of Sociology and Drama,1949-1952Chancellor
Gonzaga Jesuit Community Spokane WA
Rev. Edward
Courtney, S.J. (deceased)
Father Minister 46-48 Superintendent of Buildings, Grounds, and Personnel.
Sgt. William F.
Coyle, USA (deceased)
1961-62 ROTC instructor lived in Prairie du Chien at the time of his death in early 1963.
Mr. Anthony
Culicchia (deceased)
1968-71 Director of Development and Public Relations Mr Cullichia was a member of Campion's class of '60
Mr. J. F.
Daley (deceased)
1954-63: Alumni Secretary
Bro. Robert F.
Daley, S.J. (deceased)
1938-71: Registrar, alumni relations
Rev. John P.
Daly, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, 1950-53: English, Latin, Greek, History, Choir and Glee Club (eventually became president of Sogang University in Korea, was also director of center for asian business at Loyola Marymount Univ. in Los Angelespray for the Church and the Society
St. Camillus retirement center Wausatosa WI
Rev. A. J.
Deeman, S.J. (deceased)
1952-53: Superintendent
Mr. Sydney S.
DeRanitz (deceased)
1929-75: Professor of Music, ROTC Band, Audiovisual work and publications.
Rev. William E.
Dooley, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Latin, English. Teacher of Greek 1940-1941Praying for the Church and the Society
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Rev. William J.
Doran S.J.
Assistant Principal 1956-1957, Principal 1958-1968Assistant to President, House Consultor since 1995
Creighton Prep Jesuit Community Omaha NE
Mr. Michael
Drake (deceased)
1968-75: French
Farmington MN
Rev. Philip F.
Dreckman, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of History 1966-1975
Markoe Jesuit Community Minneapolis MN
Mr. Raphael R.
Dublinski, S.J. (deceased)
1958-60: Scholastic, teacher of Algebra, Geometry, and Music aka: Mr. Ralph Dublinski, he left the Jesuits sometime during the 1960s.
retired Denver CO
Dudenhoffer (deceased)
Junior Division Prefect 46-48Chaplain in Hospitals, Missouri Province
Rev. Eugene M.
Dutkiewicz, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1957-58, Priest:Teacher of Math and Chemistry, 1963-1969, Assistant Principal 1965-1969Provincial Assistant for Finance
Wisconsin Province Staff Milwaukee WI
Rev. Joseph F.
Eagan, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of English and Teacher of Religion 1955-1962 Sodality and Yearbook moderator.to pray for the church and society
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Bro. Henry M.
Eakin, S. J. (deceased)
Brother: 1938-62 and 1964-73: Prefect of workmen, buildings and grounds, Assistant in Wine Cellar.
Rev. Norbert C.
Eberhardt, S.J.  (deceased)
1954-62, 1968-70: Teacher of Religion and History. Was Dean of Marquette Hall, 1959-62 Bob Bruchs '73 also reports: Fr. Eberhardt served as a Student Recruiter and Admissions Test administrator, as it was most likely in early 1969 that he showed up at my parent?s house in Youngstown, Ohio to administer the admissions test to both Breen Lyden and myself.
Rev, James A.
Egan, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of English 1959-1962. Priest: 1967-1970: Teacher of Religion 1967-1970Assistant Director of St. Augustine Institute for ongoing formation of priests
Xavier House Wauwatosa WI
Maj. James E.
Evrard, USA (deceased)
1960-64: ROTC instructor, Professor of Military Science and Tactics.
Rev. William B.
Faherty, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of English, Teacher of History 1938-1941Emeritus Archivist of Midwest Jesuit Archives, writer, Director Museum of the Western Jesuit Mission
St. Louis University Jesuit Community (Jesuit Hall) St. Louis MO
Dr. Thomas
Farrell, M.D. (deceased)
House physician, 1952-63
Rev. James E.
Fitzgerald, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: Teacher of U.S. History 1960-1963 later ordained and served the Jesuits at Marquette University. Presently living at St. Camillus Center in Wauwatosa, WI
St. Camillus Milwaukee WI
Rev. Robert H.
Fitzgerald, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of English 1971-1975Ministry of prayer
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Mr. Louis G.
1961-67 Teacher of Algebra, Geometry, Head Football Coach
Rev. Phillip
Froebes, S.J. (deceased)
1952-53 Spiritual Father
Rev. Robert M.
Frommelt, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Physics 1932-1933Assistant to President of the Jesuit Partnership
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Rev. Robert
Gassert, S. J. (deceased)
1949-51 Scholastic: teacher of Latin and Greek was later ordained and served the Jesuits for many years.
Mr. Fred L.
Gates (deceased)
1970-73: Dean of Students
Minneapolis MN
Bro. Augustine
Gaul, S.J. (deceased)
1927-58: Brother: Assistant Gardener (1 yr) and clothes room (31 years).
Bro. Edward C.
Gill, S.J. (deceased)
Treasurer 1970-1976, care of automobiles.
Wauwatosa WI
Rev. Augustine
Giunta, S.J. (deceased)
1948-55 President and Rector of Campion
Mr. Paul E.
Glynn (deceased)
1937-59: Bursar, Treasurer's office
Mr. Frank J.
Goetz, S.J.
Scholastic, 1962-63: teacher of Latin Left the Jesuit order in the late 60s
Minneapolis MN
Mr. Thomas R.
Golden, S. J. (deceased)
1959 Scholastic: teacher of History Thomas R. Golden left the Jesuits, and was ordained priest and served in the diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin for many years. CAA was notified of his death, upon our inquiry in March 2011.
Bro. Morris. M.
Gondreau, S.J. (deceased)
1966-67: Sacristan, Tailor
Mr. Frederick J
Gores (deceased)
1914-54: teacher of Physics, Math, Civics Assistant Librarian in 1950
Bro. Robert J.
Greene, S.J. (deceased)
1958-71: Tailor, Bookstore, Assisted in caring for Jesuit ill
Rev. Robert J.
Grennan, S.J. (deceased)
1946-58: teacher of History and Religion, speech and debate moderator
Bro. Henry J.
Guenther, S.J. (deceased)
1971-75: Asst. Supt. of buildings and grounds, Dormitory manager
Mr. Vernon
Gunderson (deceased)
1967-71 Physics Professor
Rev. Walter H.
Halloran, S.J. (deceased)
1945-46 Scholastic: teacher of History ordained in 1954 1956-63 Priest: teacher of Religion and History and coaching Athletics
Wauwatosa WI
Rev. Robert P.
Hart, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: Teacher of Latin and Greek, 1957-1959Chaplain for Athletic Department, House Confessor
Creighton University Jesuit Community Omaha NE
Rev. Richard J.
Hauser, S.J.
Scholastic: Teacher of English 1962-1963 ordained after serving at CampionProfessor of Theology, director of masters program
Creighton University Jesuit Community Omaha NE
Rev. Daniel J.
Higgins, S.J. (deceased)
1954-61: Teacher of Religion, Drama
Rev. J. Robert
Hilbert, S.J. (deceased)
Rector 1966-1973 President 1966-70 Teacher of Math pray for the Church and the Society
St. Camillus retirement center Wausatosa WI
Rev. Edward
Hipschen, S.J. (deceased)
1939-76: taught math, history, moderator of the music department, yearbook photographer 1940-41--Assistant Principal
Rev. Robert E.
Hoene, S.J. (deceased)
Assistant Principal 1955-1956 prayer for the Church and the Society
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Mr. William S.
Hoffman (deceased)
1911-1969: Coach of football, track, basketball, and baseball. Athletic Director.
Rev. Thomas A.
Hoffman, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Religion,1959-63 Teacher of Sociology 1960-1966, Teacher of History 1958-1960Assistant to Theology Department Chair
Creighton University Jesuit Community Omaha NE
Bro. Richard C.
Hottinger, S.J. (deceased)
1963-70: Sacristan, Hobby Shop
Rev. Theodore J.
Hottinger, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: Teacher of History, Teacher of English, 1959-1960 ordained after leaving Campion.retired
retired Wauwatosa MN
Rev. Timothy J.
Howard, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, Teacher of Latin 1957-1959Private Practice in Psychology
Tucson AZ
Rev. Charles T.
Hunter, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Latin, Teacher of ScholasticsSpiritual Director
Jesuit Community of Belize Belize City Belize
Rev. Eugene J.
Jakubek, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of English, Latin, Language, Drama 1956-1958Spiritual Director, Pastoral Minister, House Confessor, TV and Radio Apostolate
Creighton University Jesuit Community Omaha NE
Rev. Robert A.
Johnston, S.J. (deceased)
1930s-1941 Teacher
St. Louis University
Rev. Stanislaus E.
Kalamaja, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1939-40 teacher of English Priest: 1950-51 Assistant Principal
Rev. Howard E.
Kalb, S.J.
Scholastic: 1948-1951: Teacher of Math Priest:1957-66: teacher of Algebra, dean of Kostka Hall, Lucey Hall, President and Rector of Campion from 10/10/60 to 6/5/66 Minister, moderator of CLC group, conducts retreats
Creighton University Jesuit Community Omaha NE
Rev. Louis
Keenoy, S.J. (deceased)
1951-55 Priest: teacher of Chemistry and Religion
Rev. John R.
Kelly, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1931-33, 1963-69 teacher of Latin, Greek, Spiritual Father
Rev. Thomas E.
Kelly, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1941-42 teacher of Latin Priest 1948-50: Director of Registration, teacher of Religion, Father Minister
Br. Paul J.
Kempker, S.J. (deceased)
Assistant Procurator 1956-1975, Sacristan, Assistant Treasurer, TreasurerPraying for the Church and the Society
Alegent Heath Mercy Care Center Omaha NE
Rev. William J.
Kidd, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Math 1966-1974Network Consultant for Marquette Information Technology Services Group
Marquette University--1404 Jesuit Residence Milwaukee WI
Rev. Carl G.
Kloster, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Latin, Teacher of Greek, Teacher of Speech 1942-1945, Principal 1950-1954Praying for the Church and the Society
Fusz Pavilion Jesuit Community St. Louis MO
Rev. Adrian
Kochanski, S.J. (deceased)
Choral Director 43-45 Dean of Arts and Sciences - Marquette Univ. and later San Diego State University
Rev. Benno G.
Kornely, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic 1953-56: teacher of Algebra Priest: 1972-75: Retreats, Jesuit Community Superior Coordinator of Conference Retreats, House Consultor since 2002
Milford Jesuit Community Milford OH
Rev. James P.
Kramper, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: Teacher of Math 1938-1941, Priest: Teacher of Math 1946-1949, Teacher of Religion 1946-1949, Care of Health 1949-1952, Teacher of Math 1952-1953pray for the Church and the Society
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Robert A.
Lakas (deceased)
English, Radio - Senior Division 43-45Professor at Rockhurst College
Mr. Joseph E.
Lally, S.J.  (deceased)
1957-59 teacher of Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, and Sodality moderator
Rev. Robert W.
Lambeck, S.J. (deceased)
Assistant Principal 1959-1961, Teacher of History 1965-1966, Teacher of Religion 1965-1966 prayer for the Church and the society
St. Camillus Jesuit Residence Wauwatosa WI
Rev. Edward A.
Larkin, S.J. (deceased)
Assistant Principal 1962-1964Pastoral Minister
Creighton University Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Mr. Gerald R.
Lavey, S.J. (deceased)
1964-66 teacher of French, Sodality moderator
Rev. Robert W.
Leiweke, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Religion, Counselor 1965-1973Assistant Rector, Spiritual Director, Pastoral Minister
St. Camillus retirement center Wausatosa WI
Rev. Gregory F.
Lucey, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1959-61: teacher of Latin, sodality moderator Priest: 1969-75: Principal 1969-70, President 1970-75, Rector, 1973-75
Rev. J. Roger
Lucey, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Latin, Teacher of Religion 1962-1966Praying for the Church and the Society
Rev. Paul A.
Mahowald, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Chemistry 1969-1970,1971-1973
Omaha NE
Rev. George A.
Maloney, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of English 1951-1954Retreat Directory, Writer, Editor of Inscape
Contemplative Ministries Seal Beach CA
Mr. Clement
Massey (deceased)
1966-69: teacher of History, Social Studies, and Basketball Coach
Escondido CA
Matthias (deceased)
Principal 43-46 Dean of Men - St. Louis University; Director Fordyce Conference Center
McAuley (deceased)
Senior Division Prefect 43-45Executive VP Marquette University 1960-70's; County Commisioner San Diego County
Mr. Jeremiah R.
McCarthy (deceased)
1966-75: Biology
Rev. Edward J.
McCarthy, S.J. (deceased)
1951-61 teacher of Latin, English, Religion, and moderator of Athletics
Mrs. Ruth
McGinley (deceased)
aka Mrs. Leo McGinley 1958-75 Assistant Librarian
Rev. Thomas K.
McKenney, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1939-42 teacher of History 1949-56 Principal
Rev. John C.
McNellis, S.J. (deceased)
1965-73: teacher of Latin, Greek, classics Freshman retreat master 1961.
Madison WI
Rev. Charles J.
Mehok, S.J. (deceased)
Assistant Principal 1951-1956Writer
Marquette University Jesuit Residence Milwaukee WI
Rev. Eugene F.
Merz, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Religion 1964-1965Associate Director of Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Marquette U., Guestmaster
Arrupe House Jesuit Community-pastoral ministry Milwaukee WI
Rev. Bernard J.
Miles, S.J. (deceased)
1946-50, 1953-55, 1973: English, Religion, Assistant Librarian, Dean of Campion Hall (1950s when it was a residence hall) and, during 1953-55, he was the Jesuit community librarian.
Rev. Robert H.
Millmann, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, 1938-40 Priest 1949-64 Teacher of English and Religion, moderator of the Campionette, worked with other publications, athletic statistician, Sports info., and chaplain of St. Mary's academy
1922: Music Professor
Sgt. R. W.
Muir, USA (deceased)
1965-66: ROTC instructor
Atlanta GA
Miss Florence
Mulheim (deceased)
1949-61 Librarian, Joyce Kilmer Library
Bro. Thomas C.
Murphy, S.J.  (deceased)
1959-60, 1961-64 Operated the school store and Cafe, operated the school post office 1961-74
Mr. Patrick L.
Murphy, S.J.  (deceased)
Scholastic, 1966, 1972-74: teacher of English and Social studies
Rev. Paul J.
Murphy, S.J. (deceased)
1935-36, 1937-62: Treasurer, Assistant Minister-Jesuit Community. Died as treasurer in 1962
Rev. Francis X.
Nawn, S.J. (deceased)
1946-48, 1954-56: Teacher of Algebra and Physics, moderator of VOC radio station
Rev Robert F.
Neenan, S.J. (deceased)
1969-71 J.S.E.A. Planning Commission
Rev. Edward J
O'Brien, S.J. (deceased)
1951-58: teacher of Greek and Religion. During 1956-58, he was the Jesuit house librarian
Rev. James V.
O'Connor, S.J. (deceased)
1958-59 Assistant Principal 1960-73 Teacher of History and Religion, Teacher of Latin, and Dean of Lucey Hall
Rev. James E.
O'Hearn, S.J. (deceased)
1961-62: teacher of Latin and Greek
Mr. Joseph J.
O'Shea, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, 1960-61: teacher of Speech, English Left the Jesuit order in the late sixties.
Mr. Maurice L.
1962-71: Science, ChemistryMole Day Founder
retired Prairie du Chien WI
Rev. John R.
Padberg, S.J. (deceased)
1935-38 teacher of Latin and Speech conducted freshman retreat, 1962
Rev. Mark L.
Palmer, S.J. (deceased)
1945-52 Spiritual Father
Pates (deceased)
Scholastic 45-48 Religion, LatinSouth Dakota Missions - Mother Butler Center, Rapid City.
SFC Donald K.
Patnode, USA. (deceased)
1963-65, 1967-71 ROTC Instructor
Rev. Francis X.
Peacock, S.J. (deceased)
1947-60 teacher of Religion
Mr. Philip
Pejza (deceased)
1942-1945 Teacher of Math
San Diego CA
Mr. James
Peterson (deceased)
1953-71: teacher of history, economics, sociology, and coach of football, basketball, and track. Athletic Director.
Rev. Gilbert C.
Peterson, S.J. (deceased)
1944-48, 1956: teacher of Latin and Religion, Joyce Kilmer Library, Bookstore
George M.
Pieper (deceased)
Rev. Robert I.
Pihale, S.J. (deceased)
1963-64 Treasurer
M/Sgt. Paul A.
Pinard, USA (deceased)
1946-48, 1953-59: ROTC Instructor
Rev. Joseph W.
Poeckes, S.J. (deceased)
1934-37,1956-78: teacher of Latin, Religion, remedial reading, Faculty Guest Master, Library, House Library 1955-56, 1963-65, 1975-78
Mr. Robert M.
Power, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1960-62 teacher of English, speech, Sodality moderator, Athletic moderator Left the Jesuits in the mid-1960s
Rev. Basil
Price, S.J. (deceased)
1949-51: Teacher of U.S. History
Rev. Robert F.
Purcell, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of English, Teacher of Speech, Dramatics 1948-1950 Retreat Master for Senior division, 1961 Class of 1938 at Campion Praying for the Church and the Society
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Rev. Carl M.
Reinert, S.J. (deceased)
1946-50 teacher of Religion, assistant Principal, Principal
Mr. Lawrence R.
Reuter, S.J.  (deceased)
1952-55 Scholastic, teacher of Latin and Speech
Capt. Francis M.
Riddlemoser, USA (deceased)
1955-57 Professor of Military Science and Tactics, ROTC instructor
Rev. Jerome E.
Rohrer, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Latin 1950-1951, Teacher of Religion 1962-1967 also Art, Moderator of Sodality, Catholic Youth Action.Praying for the Church and the Society
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
John H.
Romanowski, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic - 1972-1973 Latin, Classical Studies
Mr. Thomas G
Ryan, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1959-60: teacher of Spanish, Geometry, and English
Rev. James H.
Ryan, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Religion 1970-1972Associate Pastor for Porcupine and Manderson Districts
Holy Rosary Mission Red Cloud Indian School Pine Ridge SD
Mr. Theodore J.
Rynes, S. J. (deceased)
1958-59: teacher of English, moderator of Art club
Fr. Joseph D.
Scallon, S.J. (deceased)
1954-56 Scholastic: choir, teacher of English
Rev. Charles J.
Scherman, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of Religion, student Counselor, Assistant Treasurer/Bursar 1959-1961Associate Pastor of Holy Ghost and St. Bridget Churches
Holy Ghost Rectory Chippewa Falls WI
Bro. Thomas J.
Schermann, S.J. (deceased)
1970-71 Assistant Librarian
Mr David D.
Schmidt, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1958-60: teacher of English, Latin, and Spanish. Moderator of Sodality and Hobby Shop. Mr. Schmidt left the Jesuit order in the early/mid 1960s.
Rev. Aloysius F.
Schmitz, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, Teacher of Math 1952-1954 Ordained after leaving Campionprayer for the Church and the society
St Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Mr. William
Schneider (deceased)
1933-62 Chief Engineer, died in office
Mrs. Mayme
Schneider (deceased)
1959-62: Nurse in residence
Mr. Clement J.
Schneider, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1952-55: Latin, Sociology, History
Rev. Theodore A.
Schutte, S.J. (deceased)
1899-1902. 1906-1952 teacher of German, Greek, confessor, and sodality moderator. Raised money to build Our Lady of the Angels Chapel, was chaplain to the student Army Training Corps at Campion
Rev. John M.
Scott, S.J.
Teacher of Physics & General Science 1948-1975, Superior of the Jesuit Community 1975-1978 Author of many booksWriter
St. Camillus Jesuit Community Wauwatosa WI
Mr. Donald
Sebastian (deceased)
1952-78 School BarberBarber
Prairie du Chien WI
Mr. Jerry K.
Sebastian (deceased)
1952-53: Alumni Secretary
Mr. Walter
Sebastian (deceased)
1954-58 School Barber Assistant
Rev. Michael P.
Sheridan, S.J. (deceased)
1959-62 Scholastic, teacher of English and Speech, sodality moderator
Rev. Robert L.
Sheridan, S.J. (deceased)
1956-60 Teacher of Religion
Rev. Augustine
Siebauer, S.J. (deceased)
1931-54 teacher of Latin, Civics, Religion Archives, Historian, writer, campus tour master 1932-33 Librarian 1954-69 Archives, Historian, writer, campus tour master
Mr. Edward Calvin
Smith (deceased)
1972-75 Social Studies, counselor (Campion's first Black teacher)
Bro. Sylvester J.
Staber, S.J. (deceased)
1949-53 Carpenter, 1954-78 Prefect of workmen: 1966-78 Supt of Buildings and grounds and non-academic personnel. Archives, Buyer, research in history, writer, food service moderator, House historian
Rev. Floyd L.
Stanton, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1950-51: teacher of Latin, HIstory, and REligion. 1975-78: Administrator- President of Campion
Mr. Clement
Steele (deceased)
1968-73 Math, Coaching
Loras Dubuque IA
Rev. Edward S.
Sthokal, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of English & Religion 1957-1959 Conducted senior division retreat, 1962Retreat Director, Treasurer
Jesuit Retreat House Lake Elmo MN
Bro. Harold T.
Stockley, S.J. (deceased)
1945-53, 1954-65, 1969-71: Assistant Sacristan, porter, driver for school, Assisted in the infirmary, post office, cafeteria, bookstore, Hoffman Hall Cafe, and individual care of ill.
Rev. T. R.
Stokes, S.J. (deceased)
1952-53 teacher of English, moderator of publications, college advisor
Rev. T. R.
Stokes, S.J. (deceased)
1952-53 teacher of English, moderator of publications, college advisor
Bro. William
Stritch, S.J. (deceased)
1949-66 Assistant Treasurer, Heraldry research. Later on, he visited England and died and was buried in England.
Rev. James C.
Sunderland, S.J. (deceased)
Teacher of English,Speech Teacher of Elocution 1952-1955 AFter leaving Campion, he was ordained for the Jesuits.Pastoral Minister, Community Consultor since 2000
Xavier Jesuit Center Denver CO
Rev. Charles L.
Sweeney, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic 1943-1947: teacher of Latin, English, organist, and choirResearch Professor of Philosophy, Writer
Jesuit Residence Community Chicago IL
Bro. John B.
Szczesniak, S.J. (deceased)
1952-56 Sacristan, Tailor, Student dining room manager.
Rev. Robert F.
Talmadge, S.J. (deceased)
1956-65 Spiritual Father
Rev. Roland J.
Teske, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic, 1959-62: Teacher of Latin, Greek ordained for the Jesuits, after leaving Campion. Has spent many years at Marquette Univ. as a Philosophy professor. Had been suffering for several years, and died May 18, 2015Professor Emeritus of Philosophy,
Marquette University Wauwatosa WI
Mr. Francis E.
Traynor, S.J. (deceased)
scholastic: 1953-56, teacher of English
Rev. Raymond M.
Tully, S.J. (deceased)
English Teacher and Prefect 1934-1937Assistant in the Development Office, Community Consultor since 1993
Hallahan House St. Louis MO
Mr. James E.
Tures, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: 1970-72 teacher of English Mr. Tures graduated froj Campion in 1963
Mr. Frank
Turtscher (deceased)
1948-52 Barber
Verdierck, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic 45-47 HistoryRegis High School, Denver; Trustee Regis Educational Corp.
Mr. Robert
Vuillemot (deceased)
1972-74, coaching swim team, football
Mr. K. T.
Walleman, S.J. (deceased)
1954-55: teacher of chemistry and geometry
Mr. Kenneth T.
Walleman, S.J. (deceased)
1953-56 Scholastic: teacher of Chemistry & Geometry
Rev. James J.
Walsh, S.J. (deceased)
1940-43: Scholastic: Teacher of English, Drama Teacher of Speech Ordained in the late 1940s, after he left Campion.Pastoral Minister
Saint Louis University Jesuit Community (Jesuit Hall) St. Louis MO
Rev. John W.
Wambach, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic 1959-61: teacher of Latin, Greek was later ordained for the Jesuits and served as pastor of St. John's in Prairie du Chien for many years starting in 1977.prayer for the Church and the society
Wauwatosa WI
Rev. John A.
Wiggins, S.J. (deceased)
1956-68 Teacher of Algebra & Religion. 1966-68 Father Minister 1961-62 Assistant Principal
Rev. Theodore E.
Yoch, S.J. (deceased)
1949-51: teacher of Religion and Chemistry
Rev Carl E.
Zachman, S.J. (deceased)
1930-34, 1946-71 teacher of math, Latin, Algebra, and Religion, and was dean of Marquette Hall. Spent 1972-77 in retirement at St. Vincent's Rest home in Omaha. Fr. Zachman was a graduate of Campion H.S.(??) and Campion College.
M/Sgt.. Edward P.
Zenz, USA (deceased)
1955-59, ROTC Instructor 1969-75 Bursar
Bro. Phillip C.
Zepp, S.J. (deceased)
1967-69: Jesuit Infirmarian
Guerneville CA
M/Sgt. Theodore
Ziegler, USA (deceased)
1948-51, 1957-60 ROTC Instructor 1964-71: Bursar and Treasurer
Rev. Eugene E.
Zimmerman, S.J. (deceased)
Father Minister, Supt of Buildings and Grounds 1953-1966Retreat Director, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, Parish Pastoral Minister
Jesuit Retreat House Oshkosh WI
Rev. Albert C.
Zuercher, S.J. (deceased)
1944-48, 1962-67-74: Counselor, Spiritual Director
Rev. John D.
Zuercher, S.J. (deceased)
Scholastic: Teacher of Math 1954-1956 Was ordained for the Jesuits after leaving CampionProvince CLC Regional Ecclesial Assistant
Creighton University Jesuit Community Omaha NE