Excerpt From 1938 Campion Knight yearbook.


Fortunate indeed is Campion, our Alma Mater, in her connections with the Catholic patriot and poet, Joyce Kilmer.  For in him she has found not only "an adopted alumnus," as he chose to speak of himself, but a man  who in his every word and action is worthy of our conscientious admiration.

A Catholic through and through, a patriot who sacrificed his life for his United States in the Great War of 1918, an accomplished poet and literary critic, and a lover of American sports -- Kilmer is a fitting theme for our book.

We trust that in reviewing this Campion Knight of 1938 the reader will be fired with the same enthusiasm for our exemplar, Joyce Kilmer, as we are at the time we write these lines.


This Campion Knight of 1938 we dedicate to the Rev. Peter A. Brooks, S.J., Provincial of the Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus.  Father Brooks was with us during the first three years of our life at Campion in the capacity of president.  He was our friend, and all who knew him loved him for his qualities both as a priest of God and as a man of enviable character.

He was taken away from us in the May of our Junior year to assume his present duties of even greater responsibility.  He is gone in body, but assuredly not in soul, for we know that he still loves Campion and her sons as Campion loves him, and he is with us in spirit always.

May this book of ours serve as a lasting expression of appreciation and gratitude for all that he has done for us in our days spent under his noble direction.